Friday, July 22, 2011

Cluster Teaching Experience

This week I had a fantastic opportunity to observe and team teach with the Barcoo Cluster Teacher, Carla Pidgeon. Carla is currently teaching the Science, Art, Music, Technology and PE strands at Stonehenge, Windorah and Jundah. Cluster teachers service remote areas that do not have ready access to local specialist teachers and specialist support personnel. They are generally specialist teachers who may have majored in the KLA they are teaching.

Throughout my week with Carla I visited Stonehenge State School (4 students), Windorah State School (8 students) and Jundah State School (13 students). At these schools I was actively involved in teaching the art/technology unit involving taking and manipulating photographic images, the science unit focusing on weather, keyboard lessons and tennis skills during PE. Over the four days, Tuesday to Friday, Carla and I travelled approximately 534.6km.

Carla is a vibrant and passionate teacher who truly enjoys bringing these specialist lessons to the students out here. She is always extremely organised and manages the multi-ages and the multiple schools with ease and finesse. I really learnt a lot about personal and professional organisation this week.

One of the photos students manipulated during the technology/art lesson. This photo was taken at a recent school excursion to the Sand Hills.

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